Toupret Wood Repair Filler Review

Updated Oct 26, 2024 | Posted Oct 15, 2024 | Sundries | 0 comments

As a Professional Decorator, Toupret has become bread and butter for me over recent years. They seem to have a specialist filler for every job you might come up against, and I’ve used just about all of them. I’m going to use this blog to give you my honest Toupret Wood Repair Filler review. I hope you find it useful.

Toupret Wood Repair Filler comes as a powder, or ready mixed in white or “natural”. You can use it to make repairs up to 1cm deep, sand it after an hour, and then it’s ready to paint, stain, or varnish after roughly 24 hours. Drying times depend on conditions.


Why Does Wood Need its Own Type of Filler?


You’d think that filler is filler, and it doesn’t matter which one you use to fill a hole in wood, but it does. There are a few things a product like Toupret Wood Filler needs to do that are different to a masonry filler, or a filler for interior walls.

Firstly, most wood fillers, including Toupret Wood Repair Filler is water-based, but anything used on wood can’t contain too much water.

If there is excess water, then the timber would soak it up and swell. The issue is that the timber only contracts again a few weeks later, and by that time, you’ve finished painting. The filler doesn’t contract to the same extent, so “pops” through your paint film. You then need to rip it out, re-fill and start again.

The other thing that wood filler needs to do is expand and contract with the natural movement of timber, particularly when used outside.

For these reasons, specialist wood fillers are the only products you should use for making timber repairs.

Toupret Wood Filler used on a garden shed

My Toupret Wood Repair Filler Review


Powdered Version

Let’s start with the powdered version. You’ll find Toupret Wood Repair Filler very fine, which helps make the mixing process a lot quicker. I normally use a bowl, add some water, then add the filler slowly whilst mixing with a stick. If you’re mixing Toupret Wood Repair Filler this way, don’t start with too much water. You won’t need much to mix a lot of powder. This is due to the low-water content of the material once it’s mixed.

This filler itself is easy to work with, easy to shape, doesn’t sag, and doesn’t slump. You can feel the elasticity as you’re applying it, which gives you great confidence that it’s going to remain flexible. It also helps you to shape the filler to repair things like the edges of windowsills or the profile on architrave.

You can over-fill slightly to make full repairs in one application. It isn’t the easiest filler to sand smooth, but it isn’t the hardest either. This also gives you confidence; if it turned to powder with a light sand over, then it probably wouldn’t last very long.

It does last too! This is the most important quality for me. As a Decorator, I need to have confidence that the work I do will last. Large repairs to exterior wood need to be done using something like Oxera Rebuild. But for pin holes, mitres, and indentations, Toupret Repair Wood Filler is the product I turn to, and have done for several years. I think it’s brilliant.

Ready Mixed Version

I’m only going to write a paragraph or two on Toupret Ready Mixed Wood Filler, simply because it performs in much the same way as the powdered version. It’s available in a handy tub or squeezy tube. It feels ever so slightly grainier than the powdered version, but that’s the only difference really.

It’s just as easy to apply, it’s available in the same colours, and it does the same job. I normally have both in the van. I use the powdered version when I have a lot of filling to do, and the ready mixed when I just have small bits.

Review Summary

Toupret Wood Repair Filler Review - Decorator's forum UK

A specialist filler designed for use on interior and exterior wood.

Product Brand: Toupret

Editor's Rating:


  • Easy to mix
  • Easy to use
  • Doesn’t slump
  • Doesn’t sag
  • Great adhesion
  • Available in ready mixed or powdered
  • Can be used inside or out
  • Repairs made with this product last.


  • Can only be used on repairs up to 10mm deep



How strong is Toupret Wood Filler?

Toupret Wood Filler has great adhesion, doesn’t hold onto moisture, and sets reasonably hard. This makes it strong enough to be used for exterior timber repairs.


Does Toupret Wood Filler wood filler last?

This depends on how well the repair is made, whether the depth limits were adhered to, and whether the wood around the filler rots. However, providing everything was done correctly, you will get many years out of a repair. As a Professional Decorator, I only stick with products I know will last, and I have absolute faith in Toupret Wood Filler.


Can I use Toupret filler on wood?

Toupret manufacture a wide range of specialist products. For timber, be it interior or exterior, Toupret Wood Repair Filler is amazing.


Is wood filler stronger than Polyfilla?

It isn’t about being ‘stronger’. Wood filler has a lower water content, meaning it doesn’t cause the timber to swell. It also adheres to wood and expands or contracts as it needs to.


Do you need to sand wood before using wood filler?

You need the sides of the repair to be flush before applying the wood filler. Sanding the area achieves this.


Final Thoughts


I don’t trust many fillers for wood, particularly when working outside. You should avoid “multipurpose” products at all costs because they don’t perform as they should.

Toupret Wood Filler is the best water-based filler I’ve used. For larger repairs, particularly outside, I might opt for two-pack or epoxy products. For a full guide on the best filler for exterior wood, click here.

Updated Oct 26, 2024 | Posted Oct 15, 2024 | 0 comments

About the Author

About the Author

Mike Cupit has been in the decorating industry since 2002 and has mostly worked as a Trade Decorator in the domestic sector (peoples’ homes). Self-proclaimed “product geek”, Mike has a passion for paint and decorating tools. Mike now spends most of his time testing paint products and tools, comparing them to similar products on the market, and blogging about the industry in general.

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