Best Filler for Long-lasting Masonry Repairs

Updated Aug 26, 2024 | Posted Aug 20, 2021 | Sundries | 0 comments

I’ve been a decorator for almost two decades and tend to stick to exterior work during the warmer months. I’m a massive product geek too and have loads of repeat customers, so I know about the longevity of many different fillers on the market.

When working outside, the most important thing for me is how long will a job last before it starts to look tired!! For this reason, I thought I’d do a quick blog for the Decorators Forum UK and explain a bit about what I think is the best filler for long lasting masonry repairs.


The Secret to a Long-Lasting Masonry Repair


I have used several different masonry fillers in the past. A lot of them are too soft or can hold onto too much water. “all-purpose” fillers such as Tretrion and many others can be a nightmare!! This type of filler generally only lasts a year or two before they break down or damage a painted surface.

You need a filler which is going to adhere well to any surface, otherwise it may start to break away over time. You also need a filler which will set rock hard, not hold onto water, and can be overpainted. Anything containing cement is a bonus because you know it will last!! For me, the only reliable and long-lasting filler you should look at is Toupret Rock Solid Repair Filler, formally known as Murex.


About Toupret Rock Solid Repair Filler


Toupret are a French company and seem to have a different filler for every type of job. Being faced with so much choice can be overwhelming, at least you know each product has been developed without compromise.

Toupret Rock Solid Repair Filler is available online by clicking here and can be used in any size of repair. It will stick like sh1t to any surface, it’s very easy to sculpt into any shape and it dries rock hard!!

There are a couple of drawbacks; This filler needs around 24 hours to cure before you can paint over it due to its cement content. It’s difficult to sand down too, so don’t overfill!!

All told, this is one of the only exterior fillers I have faith in for long lasting repairs, certainly for larger repairs in softer material such as sandstone. Even large patches of render that have come away. Toupret Rock Solid Repair Filler is so much easier to use than traditional render.

Other Toupret Exterior Products


As mentioned above, Toupret seem to have a different niche product for every specific type of job. Even masonry fillers!! Toupret Exterior Skimcoat is brilliant for smoothing over fine surface imperfections and can make large areas look completely flat and blemish free.

Another one to look out for is Toupret Touprelith F. This masonry filler is grey in colour and feels rather grainy. It is a lot easier to use than most other masonry fillers, although it has failed on me in the past. Touprelith F remains porous, so tends to hold onto water. For this reason, I’d steer clear on this product.




What is the best filler for cracks in masonry?

We use Toupret Rock Solid Filler on cracks in masonry. It’s cement based, has great adhesion, and doesn’t hold water. I find it lasts longer than the others I’ve tried.


Can I use wood filler on masonry?

Not really. There are “multipurpose” fillers you can use on both, but wood filler is slightly different to masonry filler. You can’t expect repairs made using the wrong filler to last.


What is masonry filler?

Masonry filler is often cement based, and it’s a material used to repair holes, cracks, and other imperfections on masonry.


What fillers do you use outside?

Cement-based fillers are best for long lasting masonry repairs. Epoxy wood fillers are best for exterior timber.


Final thoughts


For me, using the right filler is half the battle when you aim to make a long lasting repair. I have learned this the hard way over the years with inferior products. You need something that will adhere to the substrate and won’t break down easily over time. Toupret Rock Solid Repair Filler is the only one I trust.

Click here for more information, or to see latest prices.


What Other Decorators Think

The Toupret masonry filler is excellent for long lasting repairs, however the drying time does put me off. My exterior jobs are normally terraced houses that take 3-5 days. I can’t wait two days for it to go off before applying the first coat on. One of the advantages is that it can fill deep holes in one application.

Richard's Painting Services

Professional Decorator

Toupret Rock Hard Filler. The Toupret Exterior Wood Filler is decent too.

A repair made with Toupret filler

Danny Houghton

Professional Decorator

Super noodles and hot water.

Otherwise, if I’ve forgotten to go to the Chinese cash and carry and ate my pot noodle, I usually use Toupret murex. It’s the best filler for long lasting masonry repairs.

Evan Harding

Professional Decorator

I’ve been using Touprelith for about 4 years now, and I’ve gradually learned how to overcome the issues that DO exist. My process now is to fill and smooth/sand, leave it 48 hours, brush over the filled areas with a watered-down coat of paint.

Next day I roll a second watered down coat of paint over the filled areas, after that it should be good to go with your normal 2 coat process. This works well for me, no flashing at all – and (nearly all) repairs become invisible. Yes, you do have to be patient doing it this way, but I find my customers would sooner have it ‘looking great’ than pay slightly less for a quicker job.

Andrew Kettell

Professional Decorator

The only one I’ve got long term experience with is Tetrion. It’s pretty crap, but it works. It’s cheap at least. Currently experimenting with the toupret external fillers, will know more in a couple of years.

Jimmy Pringle

Professional Decorator

Updated Aug 26, 2024 | Posted Aug 20, 2021 | 0 comments

About the Author

About the Author

Mike Gregory is a Professional Painter and Decorator who works in the Northwest of England. He mainly sub-contracts for large decorating firms and works on a wide variety of projects.
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