Beeline is probably the most popular choice for professional decorators when it comes to wallpaper paste. You can pick it up from any Dulux or Crown Decorating Centre, as well as about a million other trade outlets. Sometimes it is easier to buy products like this online. Click here to see current prices. This blog is my honest Beeline wallpaper paste review. If you want more information you might be better having a look at Ciret’s website
Yellow Top (light grade)
Yellow top is the most widely used out of all the Beeline range. This is for a few reasons. There is a handy guide on the side of the bucket which helps you determine how much water you should add for a particular job. Because it comes condensed, you can use it on a wide range of wallcoverings. Beeline Yellow Top also offers great slip and working time, making it one of the easiest ready made adhesives to use. I would highly recommend this for most wallpapers, unless your require a paste to be very aggressive. In which case, keep reading.
Red Top (medium grade)
“medium” is probably understating things a little bit. Beeline Red Top is a very strong paste with a low water content, making it very grippy. I use this for most non-woven papers. You can dilute it quite a lot and still find it very effective. I also mix it with flake when applying lining paper, or papering over a surface which has been prepared with Zinsser Gardz.
Blue Top (heavy grade)
Not a paste I use often as I find it a little OTT. However, it has got me out of trouble a few times. I do use it as overlap adhesive because it is the strongest paste I have ever tried. Honestly, this stuff sticks like sh*t and will save your life one day.

White Top (ready to use)
Pick it up and go, no messing around and it does everything you need it to do. You can use it on a wide range of wall coverings. I tend to ‘stick’ with either the yellow, or red top, but this makes things easier sometimes.
All being said, the Beeline range as a whole gives a decorator everything they need, regardless of the type of paper they are hanging. The paste easy to use and top quality, as well as being competitively priced and widely available.
Beeline Wallpaper Paste Review - Decorator's forum UK
A full range of professional wallpaper paste products designed to cope with any type of wallpaper. Just choose the one that best fits the wallcovering product you’re installing.
Product Brand: Beeline
- Very good quality.
- Comes condensed, so you can dilute to suit the job in hand.
- Easy-to-follow guide on dilution.
- Readily available.
- It’s the best quality wallpaper paste I’ve used as a Professional Decorator.
- I can’t think of any.
What is the strongest wallpaper paste?
The strongest wallpaper paste I’ve used is Beeline Blue Top. This stuff would stick an elephant to the wall without issue. It’s low-water content means it’s very grippy too.
How long do you leave paste on wallpaper before hanging?
You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and it’s important you find out before you start installing your wallpaper. If you leave the paste on too long, then the wallpaper will tear easily, crease, and stretch while you’re using it. Hang your wallpaper too soon, and it will carry on expanding on the wall and you’ll be left with bubble.
A lot of wallpapers now are non-woven, and don’t require any soak time. You just apply the paste to the wall, and then apply the paper from the roll.
Do you use warm or cold water for wallpaper paste?
You should always use cold water when mixing wallpaper paste.
Can I put wallpaper paste on the wall instead of the paper?
You only paste the wall when using non-woven wallpapers. If you try and do it with pulp papers, then the paper will expand on the wall, and you’ll get bubbles.
Should wallpaper paste be watery?
No, not watery. The ideal viscosity depends on the wallpaper you’re hanging, but you should almost be able to stand a spoon up in the wallpaper paste.
Is Solvite a good wallpaper paste?
Solvite is a good standard wallpaper paste. It does everything it needs to do, but it isn’t as strong or versatile as brands like Beeline.
What Other Decorators Think About Beeline Wallpaper Paste
Use the Beeline yellow top, but always surprised how much the difference in price for this product varies from different suppliers. One of the reasons I refuse to use Brewers for anything.
I think Beeline paste offers the complete package and they seem to be the most popular with decorators. The yellow top (light grade) is all you need for 90% of papers. You can’t go wrong with it. I like how Beeline paste comes condensed, so you can add the mount of water for the consistency you need for a particular job. The Beeline yellow top even comes with a guide, so you know exactly how much to dilute it by. Another advantage of the yellow top is it is very easy to wipe it off the face of the paper without leaving a mark.
I don’t think you did the flake justice in this review. I find it much better than some of the other brads such as Solvite. It is nice and easy to mix and 1 packet seems to go a long way. It’s brilliant paste.
The red top is good too, but those tubs are a right pain. You need to decant the paste into a round bucket before you can dilute it. The paste itself is awesome. You could probably use it to stick a TV to the wall it’s that strong!! Grippy too, with a low water content. You don’t get very long to work with it but in the right place it is a godsend.
We always used to use Beeline paste at college for teaching the students how to wallpaper.
Use the Beeline primer sealer a lot. Also yellow/red lid on Wallrock & various papers. 👍🏻👌🏻
I’m happy to give a Beeline Wallpaper Paste Review.
I’ve always used Beeline ready mixed pastes. Sometimes in preference to paper manufacturers’ own ready mixed paste. Their Overlap and repair paste is something that every paper hanger and decorator should have in his or her kit.
Beeline yellow top is pretty much all I use on every wallpaper I hang. I use it neat for heavy vinyls and dilute it however much I need to for the lighter stuff. It is easy to use and readily available.
It’s good stuff. Definitely the brand leader when it comes to wallpaper paste. You can buy it from any trade outlet pretty much. Sometimes it can be difficult to dilute the red top stuff, but that’s probably my only gripe.
Very helpful review and I shall definitely be giving Beeline a go on my current contract. I’ve had a couple of issues with Solvite paste (I’m sure they have altered the formula recently) in the past couple of years, they always come up with excuses are are not very helpful so it’s time for a change I think…
Great reviews & really helpful,keep up the good work.
I bought the red top recommend by the wallpaper shop. I have done a lot of decorating over my the years and I have never came across something as ridiculously hard to use as this it’s like spreading butter on the paper totally unusable, you need another empty tub so you can water it down. I will make sure I go back to my normal heavy duty ready mixed. Never again and when this lockdown is over and the shop is back open I will be letting them know as well
Hi Paul
It comes condensed so you can dilute it to the consistency you need. How did you find it after you’d added the water?
I mix half a red top with 1 bag of flake mixed up to half way on a red top tub. It is a lovely consistency and I use this for everything except heavy Italian vinyls. This brings the price of 2 tubs of paste to well under £20.
Never used this, review has helped a great deal. Always use packet powder mix with water. Now I know its this good, its going in my basket.
While you can dilute any ready mixed paste you will be doing away with one of its advantages by doing this. On a lightweight paper i would be using either LAP coldwater starch or White Top. Yellow Top i great for vinyl (as is indicated by it’s proper name) and you certainly can use it for a range of wall coverings but it’s not ideal for everything. Using red top for paste the wall product makes sense to me, or any reasonably heavy wallcovering. I dont think any of these give as much slip as regular flake although if you are going direct over guardz or a well sealed surface they are more appropriate ( i wouldnt use white top for such cases).
I have some heavy wallpaper , that will make a mural .
It was purchased in Bali
What’s the best paste to buy please
Vou estar no U.K a aplicar papel de parede
E gostaria de saber onde posso comprar a beeline
Topo amarelo perto de
Se me pudessem ajudar agradecia imenso
A friend of mine works for Dulux and she recommended I use Beeline flake paste ( 3 sachets in a box, enough for 30 rolls). I have to say I’m using really expensive designer wallpaper and was nervous in regard to what the best paste/adhesive was to use? Dulux did the big Beeline tubs, but she said a lot of the professional decorators always seem to buy the Beeline flake version, so I went for that. I have to say I love it. So far I’ve got 5 rolls out of one sachet, and that is lightly pasting the wall as well (something I’ve always done every time I wallpaper). I used 10 pints of cold water to one sachet, and its smooth, thick (not lumpy) and gives good coverage. The paper looks wonderful on the walls, no air bubbles, each sheet of paper glides on the wall beautifully to line edges up nicely for matching and the paste dries quite quickly. This is now my go-to wallpapering product. Thank you Beeline.