We know that every painter and decorator has a favourite go-to roller sleeve and brush. It goes without saying that these essential tools are an extension of your own arm when they’re in the hand all day.
But, we hear time and time again, our Perfection Medium Pile sleeves nick-named a “good old Hammy Green” …. We think we know why.
Everyone’s favourite?
“We realise that’s quite a statement” says Hamilton Brand Manager, Sarah Coussens. “But, the nickname ‘Hammy Green’ came from seeing it in conversations on social media forums.”
From research conducted through such user forums, 76% of those pro decorators surveyed named a Hamilton roller sleeve as what they currently use, with over 85% having used a Perfection sleeve.
“We also asked them why”, Sarah continues. “It simply comes down to good paint pick-up, quality and a lovely finish. It doesn’t need to be any more complex than that!”
When using water-based paints, pro’s expect their rollers to last between 1-3 and 4-6 months, whilst being easy to wash out and perform well when re-used. It seems that the Hammy Green is clearly meeting these expectations!
What do we want from a roller sleeve?
When we consider that using a roller sleeve is usually 95% of the finish of a wall – a good sleeve is absolutely key. Speed is also important, its why we use a roller after all!
Hannah Jones, International Product Manager for the UK, conducts testing for all Hamilton products and adds “based on what we know is most important when using a roller, we test all our sleeves for finish, speed, coverage, lint loss, pick-up, capacity and of course, spatter”.
“Good results across all these stringent tests, as well as in-hand experience from real users, culminates in the development of the best roller sleeves.”
She continues, “Hamilton sleeves perform extremely well in all these tests – hence why they are a sleeve of choice”
The Perfection ‘Hammy Green’ is a medium pile microfibre blend that is available in 4”, 9”, 12” and 15” – all with a 1.75” core. Short, Long and Extra Long Pile sleeves are also available. A great range for all surfaces!
For more info on Hamilton’s range visit their brand new website hamiltondecoratingtools.co.uk or follow them on social media.