Social media can make all the difference for independent and Professional Painters and Decorators, helping to get your business out there to potential customers. Read on, as Valspar Trade provides their top tips* on how to use social media as a Professional Decorator….
Regular posting
One of the most important things is to be visible. You need to have an active social media presence – whether that be a post each time you’re working on a new project or even just some interesting tips you wish to share with others. Don’t worry if you don’t have time to manually post regularly, as there are a number of automatic scheduling tools available, which allow you to draft a bank of posts in advance and schedule them to be drip fed out.
Varied content
Make sure your content is varied and interesting. Nobody wants to see the same thing three times a week, keep it fresh! Think project photos, before and afters, videos of you hard at work or even product reviews; the possibilities are endless!
Don’t be afraid to show off your handiwork
Painting and decorating is an art and a skill, and it should be treated as such on social media. Remember, those looking at your posts could be a prospective customer about to reach out and ask for a quote, so be proud and don’t be shy!
Be contactable
On Facebook Business Pages, you’re able to add an email address, website and phone number, as well as link to your other social media channels (if applicable). Make sure you update your page with this information, so customers can easily get in touch if they like what they see.
Increase your followers
Ask friends and family to like and follow your pages – the more followers you have, the more other people will see your page. Don’t be shy in asking around and getting people to engage with you on social media, it will only benefit you in the long-term.
Tag brands
Another great way of increasing the reach of your social media account is to tag others in your content. For example, if you’ve used Valspar Trade on a project, why not post a finished photo and tag the paint brand. This sounds so simple but it can be a really useful way of getting your work and business out to more people.
Need some inspiration? Check out the Valspar Trade Instagram page, here: .