Best Paint to use if you have Pets

Updated Dec 4, 2024 | Posted Oct 10, 2020 | Product Advice | 2 comments

This is an easy question to answer really, but as a Professional Decorator I’m forever being asked “what is the best paint to use if you have pets”. I’m going to take you through specific products which all three of the big brands (Crown, Johnstones and Dulux) all do versions of. Make sure you use a good quality Trade product, rather than retail.

The main attribute an emulsion needs to have if you’re using it in a room with pets is durability. This is for a few reasons. Firstly, you don’t want odor to absorb into the walls. Secondly, you don’t want the walls to mark easily and third, you may need to give the emulsion a wipe down every now and again. I’ll take you through the main products I’d consider using in a miniute, followed by my recommendations.


Which paint is safe for pets?


The answer is none before the paint has had time to cure. The first two ingredients of emulsion are water, then starch or cellulous. To prevent the starch from breaking down, manufacturers add a strong fungicide. This, along with a few of the other chemicals will make you pet very poorly if ingested.

Oil-based paints are even worse. The actual oil is an alkyd, which isn’t as bad as it could be. However, there are more spirits added. That said, unless your pet has a fondness for turps, I can’t see them ingesting liquid gloss!! It might be an idea to stop them from getting wet paint on their skin though.

Once dried you should be fine. Oil-based satin or gloss used to be more durable than water-based, so there was an argument for using it in rooms with pets. But now there are some very durable water-based satinwood and gloss paints on the market (we’ll get into those later).


Best Emulsion to Use if you Have Pets


Durable Matt Emulsion

Durable matt is a compromise really. You get to keep the matt finish which suits most homes and you gain a bit of durability. No odour will penetrate the walls and they won’t mark as easily as they would with a normal vinyl or contract matt.

Did you notice the first line I used in this paragraph? “Durable matt is a compromise”, well it is. Even though you do gain some durability, you can’t really give durable matt a good wipe down like you can with some of the products I’m about to go into. If you have a dog, cat or donkey that absolutely trashes the walls, then you may want to go for something else. If your pets are relatively clean and you still want to keep a matt finish, then go with the durable matt.

The best trade durable matt emulsion is probably Crown Trade Clean Extreme. It’s reasonably priced, more durable than most of the other options, and looks great. You can even buy it as an antibacterial paint, which might be helpful in rooms where you keep pets. Click here for product info.

Crown Trade Clean Extreme is one of the best hardwearing paints on the market.

Acrylic Eggshell Emulsion

Acrylic eggshell is probably the best emulsion to use if your pets are slightly less clean (trying to be polite). If you have a big dog that comes in and leans against the walls after chasing rabbits in a muddy field, then go with acrylic eggshell.

It is more durable than durable matt, won’t absorb odours, and you’ll be able to wipe it down too. The sheen level is a lot higher than a matt so you will lose something in appearance, but at least you’ll be able to keep your house nice and clean.

If you’re looking for a good trade eggshell, then it’s got to be Crown Trade Clean Extreme again. Loads of the others look cheap and plasticky when on the walls, but Clean Extreme gives a nice finish. Click here for product info.


Best Paint to Use on Woodwork if You Have Pets


When choosing a woodwork paint for rooms with pets, you should opt for a water-based product that’s hardwearing and styrene free. There is a vast range of products on the market, but some a lot more suitable than others. I’ll give you a couple of recommendations.


WRX Satinwood

This is a fully water-based paint that is easy to use and fast drying. It can be applied over previously painted surfaces without the need for an additional primer or undercoat. However, you should prime caulk and filler before you apply it, otherwise it will craze.

WRX Satinwood is reasonably priced and dries rock solid. It’s the perfect choice if you have pets. Click here for product info.


Johnstone’s Trade Aqua Guard

Johnstone’s Trade Aqua Guard is more expensive than WRX Satinwood and does require an undercoat. However, it’s more of a premium option, and it’s the most popular water-based paint amongst Professional Decorators.

You can buy this paint as a matt, satin, or gloss, but stick to satin or gloss if you have pets, because they’re far more durable than the matt. The finish you get when using this paint is gorgeous. Click here to see product info.




I really hope this blog has helped, and you now know which is the best emulsion to use if you have pets. If you want a very quick recap; Durable matt emulsion is perfect if your walls aren’t going to get too messed up by your beloved animal. If they are, then go with acrylic eggshell.




What is the best paint for walls with kids and dogs?

Using an acrylic paint like durable matt or acrylic eggshell will mean your walls stand up to scuffs, dirt, and moisture.


Will acrylic paint hurt animals?

You should avoid letting your pets encounter wet paint because it contains fungicide which can be harmful. However, dry paint is safe for pets providing they don’t ingest it.


What’s the easiest paint to clean?

Acrylic eggshell is the easiest paint to clean. It doesn’t have a pitted surface and it’s waterproof, meaning you can wipe it down with a wet cloth to remove dirt.


How to protect walls from dog dirt?

You might use a durable paint to begin with, but another way is to coat your walls with Polyvine Decorators Varnish. This acts as a waterproof barrier between paint and the outside world.

Updated Dec 4, 2024 | Posted Oct 10, 2020 | 2 comments

About the Author

About the Author

Mike Gregory is a Professional Painter and Decorator who works in the Northwest of England. He mainly sub-contracts for large decorating firms and works on a wide variety of projects.

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  1. Jack Wardley

    use oil based eggshell

    • Katherine Challinor

      Hi, just want to know what is the best paint, stain or varnish to use on my dogs kennel, both inside and out. It’s a large kennel and open to the elements.

      Thank you


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