How to paint a Barbecue – a Simple Guide

Updated Oct 4, 2024 | Posted Jan 9, 2024 | Product Advice | 0 comments

A lot of people don’t think it’s possible to paint a barbecue, when in fact, it’s really quite simple. In this blog, I’m going to explain how to paint a barbecue. Follow these few simple steps and use a good quality paint, and you can’t go wrong.

I’ll start by listing all the tools and supplies you need. I’ll then take you briefly through each step, followed by a more detailed overview.


How to Paint a Barbecue



A bucket of hot water

Degreaser – Click here to see online prices

Sandpaper – Click here to see online prices

Maston Heat Resistant Spray – Click here to see online prices




Clean the Barbecue

Paint will not stick to grease and other contaminants. In fact, grease will bleed through and spoil your paint finish. You will need to get your barbeque as clean as possible before you can paint it.


Remove Handles and Accessories

Handles and accessories should be removed and put in a safe place. Take a picture before removing them so you know how they go back.



Abrading your barbecue with sandpaper will help the paint to adhere. It will also smooth rust patches, so you achieve a better finish.


Remove Dust

Remove dust, either with a dust brush or vacuum cleaner.



Apply three thin coats of Maston Heat Resistant Spray to your barbecue.



Your paint needs heat to cure, and it isn’t food safe until it has cured fully. Get your barbeque going and allow plenty of time to heat through.


Replace Handles and Accessories

Put the handles back. You’re then left with a brand-new looking barbecue.


Preparing a Barbecue Before Painting


I’m just going to throw this out there and assume your barbecue is in a bit of a state. It’s probably faded, covered in grease, and possibly even rusty. Painting it will give it a new lease of life, but to paint it, you will need to prep it first.

Start by removing anything from the barbecue that you don’t want to paint. That might include handles, hooks for cooking utensils, or even a shelf. Anything remaining can be covered in masking tape to protect it while you work.

Next, empty any charcoal and remove the grill. I know you’re probably not going to paint the inside of your barbecue, but ash can become airborne while you’re painting and ruin your finish.

Then you need to get rid of any grease on your barbecue. If not, it’ll bleed through your paint work, and you’ll see blemishes. The best product I can recommend is Zinsser Universal Cleaner and Degreaser.

This cleaner is very strong, so wear a mask if you’re prepping your barbecue in an enclosed space. Simply spray on, leave for a couple of seconds, then wipe clean with a cloth and warm water. You’ll find it shifts grease faster than any cleaning product you’ve ever used in the past.

The best degreaser for cleaning a barbeque before painting it.

Once your barbecue is clean, you’re ready to sand it down. This is important for a couple of reasons; firstly, it removes any blemishes and rust. Secondly, it creates a ‘key’, which helps your paint to stick (thousands of tiny scratches which your paint can grip onto).

The paint I use on a barbecue is tried and tested, but it still needs to do a lot, so your prep needs to be right.

That concludes your prep. Just dust the barbecue off with a duster, and you’re ready to paint.


Painting a Barbecue


The actual painting is very easy. Get yourself a couple of tins of Maston Heat Resistant Spray. This stuff is available in black and silver for just north of £10 per tin (click here to see online prices).

Point the nozzle at your barbecue and start moving your hand before you press the trigger (this prevents you from applying too much material in one spot). You need the nozzle to be around 15 cm away from the barbecue while you apply the paint. Just pass from one side to the other and apply the paint evenly.


Maston Heat Resistant spray paint will endure temperatures to over 600 degrees, so it’s easily capable of withstanding the heat from a barbecue. You can apply it directly to rust too, which means there is no need for a separate primer.

Apply three light coats of spray paint to your barbecue and allow at least an hour in-between coats. Don’t try to apply too much paint at one time, otherwise it’ll look patchy.

The paint needs heat to fully cure, so don’t finish your last coat and then dive into your cool box for a fist full of burgers. Instead, remove the masking tape, replace the handles you removed, then fire up the barbecue. Leave the heat on for two hours, then allow to cool again. This will harden the paint.

Once cool, you can clean again, and start cooking. Your barbecue should look brand-new and the paintwork will last for years.

How to paint a Barbecue – by Mike Gregory

showing how to paint an old rusty barbecue

Updated Oct 4, 2024 | Posted Jan 9, 2024 | 0 comments

About the Author

About the Author

Mike Gregory is a Professional Painter and Decorator who works in the Northwest of England. He mainly sub-contracts for large decorating firms and works on a wide variety of projects.

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